March 15, 2020
Present: Andy & Chaya Rifka Katz, Talya Shaw, Leora, Bruria, Cheftzi, Netanel (7 people)
Another glorious day on the Shvil in March. It was so interesting to do this section of the shvil one week after having done the Latrun - Mesilat Tzion Area. Where one week ago we were in the mountainous foothills of the Judean Hills, this week we were in the very different landscape of the shore. The area is flat and there are no hills and fewer pines.
This section is mainly along the shoreline. At times we were on a boardwalk, at times on the beach because the boardwalk is not uninterrupted. It was interesting to pass the various different beaches between North Tel Aviv to Herzliya. Once we left the beach and climbed up to Hertzeliya, there is a lovely section through a small village and the last 2 km are through a wonderful field of wildflowers and wheat on an ample dirt path.
What is interesting about this field is that it is interspersed with unexpected large sculptures that complement the landscape.
All along the beach, there are bathrooms and cold water coolers. Early on you pass through the Herzliya Marina which is picturesque and holds restaurants and cafes. In this section, one water bottle can be refilled again and again.
We started this section at around 1 pm and finished by 5:30. Most of the group walked only 8.6 km. Only myself and the Katz's walked the final stretch to retrieve the cars. The 9 km really takes the edge off. Somehow that last km pushes people just past their comfort zone. If you can manage it, I think 8.5 km is a really nice day trip. It leaves people with the urge to wake up the next day and do it again. While 10 km leaves people glad to be done, and not willing to do it again for a while.
The weather was perfect, 19 degrees and partly cloudy. At first, it felt a bit chilly to be by the water, but once we started moving we were comfortable in a long or short sleeve t-shirt,, with full-length pants, leggings or skirts.
I forgot to mention that the reason we were able to take this day off work and school was that school and work have been effectively canceled due to the Coronavirus outbreak world-wide. We did see people along the way who chose to spend the day outside, on a picnic, or at the beach, keeping a social distance from one another is a lot easier out of doors. The boardwalks and fields were so peaceful and quiet. They were not entirely deserted, but the silence was a welcome change from the regular pace of life. Although it is not clear how this global crisis will unfold, we welcome more opportunities to get out of doors and walk the shvil.

Perhaps due to the silence, we saw many beautiful birds that we are not used to seeing. Among them the exceptional שלדג, Kingfisher, with its red beak and electric blue feathers. Its call is loud and persistent and to see it is to gasp at its beauty.
It was so nice to get a chance to catch up with my dear friend. Each of the girls had a friend to walk with and Netanel was glad to flit and run between the pairs of us, engaging all of us from time to time. A group of 7 is a nice size group.
I can't wait to get right back on this pleasant and not difficult section of the shvil next week. Here's a link to more pictures from this day. More pictures of this beautiful day