
Trip 14: Brothers' and Sisters' trip! From Paatei Modiin to Bet Nechemya - May 6, 2020

Present:  Chananya, Tsvi, Bruria, Cheftzi, Netanel (14 km)

Click here for the video summary of the trip by Cheftziva Davids

The night before there was an unseasonal thunderstorm and heavy rain.  I'm attaching some dramatic photos from the South of Israel from that night.

Our plan was actually to take advantage of the mild weather and continue our way Southwards.  However, due to the unseasonable rain in the South, we decided the night before to rethink our course. 

Naturally, the day after a rain in May is a special day to get out and feel the freshness of nature.  The air was indeed cool and fresh.  This trip set out at around 9:30 in the morning, which meant that although the day was mild, they were walking through the heat of the day, which even in winter can be intense.  This section had quite a lot of elevated areas, so there were seveeral climbs from which you had to come back down.  There was a nice amount of shade through Ben Shemen Forest.   
The bathrooms and water utilities were closed due to Corona, but we were able to buy cold water from a food truck at Neot Kedumim. 

You can see where we are in the spring - summer season, based on the tiny buds of the grape vine growing.

This trip was special because 5 of the Davids children did it together, no parents involved.  Only Israel, wasn't there because he is still in the army.  In fact, he was recently in lockdown in the army for more than 50 days due to the Corona virus outbreak.  This was the first day since the outbreak of the virus and the subsequent restrictions to people's freedom of movement, that people were officially allowed to go on hikes.  There was no limit on distance. 

Towards the end was a beautiful look out at Tel Chadid. 

To see more pictures from this special day, click here.


Trip 13: From Yishpru Center (Paatei Modiin) to Kibutz Sha'alvim (April 30, 2020) Corona!

Trip 13:  From Yishpru Center (Paatei Modiin) to Kibutz Sha'alvim (April 30, 2020)  Corona!

Present:  Elli, Bruria, Cheftzi, Netanel

This Yom Haatzmaut was a very unique one.  There were no public bandstands, no parties, no get-togethers.   Prayers happened in groups less than 19 people, in open settings, each person 2 m apart from the other, while people wore masks and gloves.  The streets were mainly empty.  Also, there was a lock down for each citizen to remain within 100 m of his own house over Yom Ha'atzmaut, so people would not visit friends or leave their cities to visit family. 
When the following morning, the lockdown was lifted as well as permission granted to do sporting activities anywhere, rather than being limited to only 500 m from your home, we decided to hit the shvil for the first time in many weeks.  

Planning only begun that morning, upon later than usual wake-up.  Keep in mind that we had been home since a few days after Purim, it was more than 6 weeks later and we had gotten very used to late nights and rising later, as well.  Davening was still only permitted from one's balcony, no gathering was permitted even in the parking area, as it is today, now the eve of Lag Ba'omer. 

We decided to walk from Paatei Modiin to Sha’alavim, that way we would end up at my sister, Danielle’s house, and be able to see her.  At this point we hadn't seen her and her family in weeks due to lockdowns and other regulations.  We knew that we needed to keep a distance and hugging and kissing was out of the question.  Wearing masks and sitting 2 m apart, outtdoors, we were able to have a visit.  

We started in the afternoon, and it was a mild, sunny day.  The walk took only an hour and a half but it was a good way to get back into practice. 

Along the way, there was not so much shade for walking under,  but there were some shady bench spots with water every km or so.  These benches typically had been transformed into memorial spots for fallen soldiers with a photo and a story to go with it.  
We could have started at gimzu, or מחלף בן שמן  which would have lengthened the trip into our regular 10 km usual length.  
The views included wheat fields and blue sky, nothing too urban.  However,  the beginning section is at Yishpru mall where one could theoretically have had lunch, if it were not corona.  Currently only grocery stores are opened.

The entire length of this walk was on a dirt path with only gentle ups and downs.  It would have been perfect for a mountain bike.
 Click here for more pictures.